The dreaded PD DAY

Happy National Fun at Work Day! I pride myself on having at least a little fun at work each and every day, but today is a little different because it was a PD Day. When you work from home a PD day can really throw a wrench in to your work schedule!!! Instead of letting it throw me off, I have to get back to focusing WHY I am in business.

My WHY is to have flexibility so I can be there on special days, to earn a pay cheque without sacrificing my family lifestyle. So not only do I get to spend the day with my kiddos, I also have the flexibility to work from home. I can fit my work in to the nooks and crannies of the day and still get quality time with my little angels!! Too often we take the little things for granted but today I pause and take a minute to soak it all in……. I’m feeling truly blessed.🙏🏻🙏🏻 

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