FIVE tips on how to Wash Your Face - THE RIGHT WAY Today we are going to talk about arguable THE most important part of your skincare routine, washing your face . You are probably thinking, hey Roisin, I know how to do that, I've been doing it for years... well read on because m any people consider it to be the simplest part of their beauty routine. Unfortunately, most of us do it incorrectly!!! I'm going to share with you my TOP 5 TIPS to properly wash or cleanse your face. Along the way I will also share some common mistakes. By the time you are done reading this, you WILL be doing this essential task CORRECTLY ! Before we get into the tips let's first talk about frequency. You want to be washing your face at least once a day, ideally twice a day. N ot cleansing enough can lead to a build-up of oil, resulting in clogged pores, blackheads and blemishes. But, if life is just plain chaos and you can only commit to once...
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